Our students performed brilliantly at the Dagestan Championship at the Ali Aliyev Sports Palace. And, thus, we qualified for the next stage of the tournament – the NCFD Championship. Vouchers to the North Caucasus Federal District are given to students who have won 1st and 2nd places. And this is 22 people from 1 of our club 🔥 ⠀ Congratulations to everyone 🔥
So, the names of the winners and prize-winners: ⠀
1 Abdullaev Jamal 🥇
2 Zulfigarov Amir 🥇
3 Saidov Aslan
4 Amiraliev Abdulhakim
5 Bespalov Arseny🥇
6 Kurbanov Murad🥇
7 Jamal Muradov 🥇
8 Arslanbekov Sultan🥇
9 Huseynov Abdul
10 Abakarov Magdi
11 Jamal Alkhasov
12 Kamalutdinov Dalgat 🥇
13 Radjabov Rasul 🥈
14 Kazimov Arseniy 🥈
15 Mouhotii Karimulla 🥈
16 Lobster Lobster 🥈
17 Valiev-Zubair 🥈
18 Ramazanov Muhammad🥈
19 Ashurbekov Ismail 🥈
20 Sasageru Suleiman 🥈
21 Mamaev Dinislam 🥈
22 Hajiyev Gabriel🥈
23 Tataev Umar
24 Rabadanov Alikhan
25 Rabadanov Rustam
26 Tataev Abdurakhman
27 Khasbulatov Amir
28 Huseynov Abubakr
29 Rajabov Rashid