By the age of 30, Marco realized it was time to teach around the world – PrideBjj

By the age of 30, Marco realized it was time to teach around the world

Two-time winner of the American National Division (Open Class), Phoenix and VegasOpen;
Naga World Champion and 3rd place at the World Championships;
All of this from 2010-2013 in the Adult Black Belt division. By the age of 30, Marco realized it was time to teach around the world. From 2013-2015. He was in Beijing, Phuket, Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia, Bishkek and Moscow. Teaching UFC fighters in China and Phuket and spreading Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Asia and Southeast Asia. During this period he won 3 times at the PanAsian, BerlinOpen and UWW in St. Petersburg (black belt division). In 2016 he and his friend and companion Gamid Dadaev opened the most successful program for children in Russia: Pride BJJ.